Ask Our Experts...
Below are our articles on the subject of Ask Our Experts. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Can a Website Advertise Items as In Stock When They are Not?
What you can do if a website advertises an item as in stock when in fact it is not available....
Can Websites Change Prices Once Ordered?
Sometimes mistakes are made with labelling prices on website. In the event of this happening to you, what are your rights and who can you contact to take further action?...
Legally, Can I Keep the Second Laptop?
Unsolicited duplicate items received from an online order may be treated as unconditional gifts....
Received Invoice for Goods Advertised as Free: What are My Rights?
When you buy something from a website, at what point does the contract of sale become valid and binding?...
Swine Flu and FCO Advice Not to Travel: Do I Get a Refund?
For many who have already booked a holiday to Mexico, the threat of swine flu and the restrictions placed on travel by the FCO may cause a lot of uncertainty with…...